Dad gone Tobacco Auctioneer...

Why is it little children have this burning desire to repeat the same question over and over and over After you've already answered it?? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Probably not, unless....You Too Own a few of these creatures. It isn't about pronunciation, she says it the same way every time. Seriously, I'm sure it has something to do with the cognitive process,...but God help me.
  My two year old will make it out of this stage just fine; it's me I'm concerned about. She's being her natural self while her daddy's getting ready for the koo-koo house.
  It's also interesting how, at 2 they start to have 'selective' hearing so you're coerced to send the directive out in 'borage' format like an auctioneer thus making you sound like an idiot. I thought 'selective hearing' was a perk for oldtimers and couples married over 10 years, but alas I'm wrong again. As a newbie to fatherhood, I'm getting rather used to this.
  When does the desire to keep oneself fairly clean kick in with kids?? Maybe she'll take care of me later in life if I need it, hopefully so.
  Well that's all from us today in Child Raising Bootcamp....
  Have a good one.

 Peace is what you get when you pay no mind to mind.