The Potty Dash: A Special Kind of Sprint

There are only two groups of people that this special kind of 'race' from any point in the house to the nearest bathroom applies too: those who are incontinent and those who are Learning to Be Continent.
The subject of this little post is concerning the latter, my sweet (almost) 3 yr. old daughter Shayla. She is a wee bit late on the typical potty training schedule, so we decided to raise the ante a little bit within the domestic bounds of the house by putting her in panties while we are at home instead of pull-ups. Pull-ups seem to assist in this process of development somewhat, however when you have the freedom to just 'let 'er rip' no matter where you are with little to no discomfort why try to hold it? I mean after all you have this comfy safety net of sorts.
So far so good. :) She has been downright surprised if not insulted by the results of this panty/pull-up switcheroo. I have to admit that the look of shock is Very comical indeed. We think it sha'n't be long before we see dramatic results now. :) Yeah, it takes a little more monitoring on our part, but that's okay. Who's to say more of us wouldn't still be in diapers were it not for a little proactive socialization on the part of our parents. :) Cheers!