Playing 'Hide and Go Seek' in a Department Store

Shayla loves Hide and Go Seek. I like it at home...., but not necessarily inside of JC Penny's mens' dept. She thought it was the funniest thing today to hide from her daddy inside racks of clothes while I ran around calling out her name in an ever increasing stress filled timber while she remained silent ( and no doubt smiling). She Was smiling when I found her and had the audacity to appear shocked that I was upset with her. Oh Yeah....that would have gone over well:....I could see it all plain as day. "Sorry Honey, I lost Shayla Inside of JC Penny's. I looked around for a while, but couldn't find her. Maybe she decided to try out another family for a while. You know, Child Soverignity is occuring earlier and earlier these days....." No, I don't think so!!
   Note to Self: Remember to take out an Accident Insurance policy before returning to the mall with Shayla, my 2 1/2 yr old perpetual fidgeter. My heart rate did normalize again and I decided rather bravely to continue on with my shopping agenda amidst the pre-Fathers' Day throng. We go to the shoe department, all the while I am rehearsing with Shayla her parentally injected mantra, "Hands to yourself, eyes only, Do Not Touch." Not that this does much good, but one has to try. So she succeeds fairly well, except that when she finally cannot resist the Urge anymore, she decides that she must use this Metal Signage Stand as a pole vault. Well, that was not pretty. Fortunately no one was injured: product, the innocent bystander(of which there were many), or herself. Once again she was Shocked by the whole Cause and Effect chain of this seemingly bizarre world in which we live. It was funny,...sort of....after the fact. Who needs exercise when you can just take your 2 1/2 yr old bundle of love to the mall?