Danger as a Habit...

Since my little one doesn't really understand gravity as of yet, she is truly a danger to herself and those in her immediate vicinity. I say this with a smile on my face....
  She is strong enough to wield things that are bigger than her, but her dexterity and smarts have not yet caught up with her strength. This is a day to day problem as she is constantly 'man handling'(pardon the phrase) her little world.
  So in my caring for her---protecting her from herself---I am also looking out for my own wellbeing. We were taking a walk the other day when she found a really nice long(3-4ft.)tree branch which she was really determined to drag/carry around behind her. I tried to dissuade her from this, but she was not to be deterred. Finally, I said okay, which I later ammended via my Executive Parental Order after she almost took out my eyeball with it. These things apparently never stop with a 2yr. old. You are never safe no matter how tired or exasperated you become, and furthermore those states are an impediment to your awareness to boot.
  So without being a Nazi, I smile and attempt to be 'en guarde' to protect my child from herself as well as myself, and yet allow her to be the Free Two Year Old Explorer that she Is. I say this as I put on my knee pads and helmet and venture out into the common living space of our home.. Say,...when does her next developmental stage begin??

....Take a Deep Breath and Count to Ten...