Peanut Roasting

We have discovered recently that Shayla really likes to eat anything that requires a little 'hands on' prep before consumption.
Peanuts 'in-the-shell' are the current award winner of food stuffs in this category of our household cuisine. We have been buying them raw in-the-shell and then roasting them in the oven here at home before deshelling and consuming them while still warm. The added task of oven roasting is an aspect of this that she can be apart of, which she loves. They are also not a bad source of protein which is a win/ win for us.

Fear is the non-acceptance of What Is.

Fun Foods for 2+ yr. Olds

I have discovered that my little girl really enjoys eating food items that entail 'a job to do', such as peanuts in the shell and edamame (soy beans in the pod). They're really easy and require none or just a tad of prep time. The soy beans in-the-pod can be found in the freezer at your local grocer, and they only require a little steaming or simmering for 5-10 mins. plus a cool down: quick cold water rinse or bath and voilĂ !
They both are good sources of protein and satisfy some of the restless fidgeting that some toddlers seem to be prone to, AND neither one is messy! :) Enjoy!

There is faith, hope and love, but the Greatest of these is Love.