My Prayer

One wonders how it will change as time rolls on forward. 'One', being me, a father of an almost-3yr. old baby girl. She is a little sphere of emotions, this one. She is an energetic person, full of rapidly changing expressions. Life holds a lot for us, I think. Will there be an over riding closeness independant of the 'ups' and 'downs' for her and I?? I Love Her So Much.

My Job? My 'Job' at this point seems to be, for the most part, the Holder of a Space of Peace in the constantly moving current. That is, of course a varied task, yet it distills into a simplicit mantra when I step back from the action of it all at the end of each day. It is in the quiet stillness of late night that I re-collect myself from the buzz of the day still vibrating in my skin: the hum of the afterburn of action.
In these moments that gather like dust in seemingly infinite numbers I Am the Still Prayer and the Silent Homage to my Relations who had the courage to Bare and Raise children---planned or not, it doesn't matter. It is the carrying out of this task of God's Beauty that is the Chevron's Point of your Life's Flight, the Chrysalis of your new life starting at their Day of Birth into this world.
In the Still Place, in the slow motion slate frames of introspection, in the quiet of the night as I gather's the Wholeness, the Ecumenical Effect of this change in my life that is breathtaking in it's scope. I can see that "no stone shall be left unturned". Vibrant. Whole. Revealing. Penetrating. Vitalizing.
God, grant me the strength, the courage, the perseverance, and the wisdom for this task day by prescious day, one day at a time as weeks roll into months, months into years, years into decades. May I have the good fortune to read these words on yellowed paper with the matured, experienced eyes of a woman whom I nurtured and cared for from the first momemt of her first day of her first breath......still close after all these daughter.
This is my prayer.

Fear is the non-acceptance of What Is.