A Four Year Old's Phobias

How silly little people can be. Tonight my daughter was taking her bath and yelled out,
"Oh no daddy!" as she was inching away from something in the tub while she was taking a bath.
"What is it? What's going on?, I say as a lean over the tub to investigate.
"Look!", she says.
"What??...what?....what??", I say, not being able to see what she was referring to.
"A Hair Daddy, a Hair!!", she screeches.
"It's going to be okay", I say. "It really will be. It's okay if it touches you. I promise that you will not be defiled or in any way changed. Pick it up with one hand and then go to the edge of the tub and with the other remove it and place it on the porcelain rim. Okay?"......
"Okay", she says.

I can now take my heart out of my throat by pushing it back into my chest. My, Oh my the things that pass for emergencies! I don't know exactly what I expected to see, but it wasn't a hair floating in the bathtub water!