"She Sings, First Thing..."

Shayla, my 2 3/4 yr. old baby girl loves to sing. She likes to sing throughout the day, but she just about always starts out the day singing to herself upon first waking. Even before she starts her morning verbal 'diary' to herself, she'll sing first. It's not always the same songs, for she knows quite a few at this juncture.
It's so beautiful to have that sweet little voice belting out nursery rhyme tunes first thing in the a.m. Sometimes she'll sing the first line of 'Winyan Wakan' (a Lodge song that our community sings at Sweat Lodge ceremonies that we attend regularly). She actually knows about 3/4 of the lead to that one.
It really does something to your Heart to hear that little voice singing out to herself in the quietness of the morning. I believe Now that 'Homes' were designed to be filled with voices of the different generations like hearing the different tones and timbres that strengthen the 'chakra system of the family'. ...A nice picture, I think. :)

Fear is the non-acceptance of What Is.