Craftiness Rising

Alas, the days of sneaking around quietly without Christina and I knowing have begun. Our daughter, who is almost 4, now totally understands the benefit of not willfully waking mommy and daddy after she wakes at first light! She has finally reached the inevitable conclusion that This is the time to attempt to get into the 'things' that require her parents sanction: all things candy related. If we were not already awake, she used to come and rouse us the moment she got up, but those days are gone it seems. Craftiness has taken on a mind of it's own, so to speak.

This morning we awoke to find all the cupboards open--the ones above the stove's hood as well as those in the top of the hutch in the dinning room, in addition to finding goods that were previously on top of the hutch itself on the floor. We recently removed most all of the bonafide 'candy' in the hutch to a remote location. She was just double checking, because the other day we had placed the candies in a cupboard above the stove and she saw that. I had then later, unbeknownst to her, removed them from there and took them off-site.

Yes, parents must play a detective-like hide and seek as part of their basic coursework. There's no avoiding this; it comes with the training of developing minds. Did it not for us all? It's kind of cute at this age; it's probably not later on down the line. I choose to enjoy it (in a manner of speaking) before that 'cuteness' evaporates.

While on the sub-topic of candy as being one of those things that parents find that they must carefully ration the consumption of when it comes to their children, it must also be mentioned that (to no surprise) candy is one of those things that everybody wants to give your child anytime they wish to make them happy for no reason. Of course this end is reached quite easily and thoroughly when you hand over that little hardened lump of sugar. Everybody does it: the cashier at the grocery store, the waiter at the restaurant, the woman behind the counter at the bakery--Everyone! It's quite funny really. *Big Smile* Well, that's our (the parents) job to be the regulatory commission on all of that. Please don't stop just because of us. It comes with the territory and we accept that!

I would, however, like to put a stop to her Dr. Seuss style ladder building in order to attempt to get to 'off limit' items.

That would be nice.