A 3 Year Old's Compliance is a Blessing Indeed!!

It still amazes me that our 3 yr. old daughter Shayla will remain in her room Every Morning until we open her door and invite her to begin the day. As many of you know with small kiddos, they are apt to wake at the not quite, but almost crack of dawn. We aim to 'get her' as soon as we are physically able once we get up after rubbing our eyes and washing our faces--you know the drill. What is amazing about this child is that she has NEVER tried to come out of her room and start her day without us, Ever!
If she gets up before us she will sing and play, and this is what usually signals me that it's time to get going, unless I have set an alarm for something, in which case I will be up before she is.
We have instructed her that if she has to go to the bathroom in the morning she is free to open her door and go to the john (which she is able to do on her own and sometimes prefers it), but so far she has not taken us up on this.
It is quite astounding really as I have heard many horror stories of the early morning 're-arranging' that these little people can do to the living room. We are really fortunate in this particular behavior of hers, and I have to keep reminding myself of that, and also....it could change at any time. :)


She's is good about it, always makes me smile when I hear early in the morning "Grandma can I please open my door". Such a sweetheart.

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