A 3yr. Old's 'Bossyness' is Only 'Cute' at Home and In Certain Instances

Today we were informed by the Pre-K teacher that our little girl Shayla is bossy and is isolating herself from the other kids due to her self-appointed position of classroom rule 'enforcer'. The teacher said that she also needs to learn a little more about 'sharing'. Was I surprised? No. The teacher asked that we talk to her about it. "Okay", I said. "We will". "Talk to her about it", I thought. "Yeah, that should clear it right up. The kid's 3 years old. It might take a little trial and error. Come to think of it, this woman has two kids of her own. She knows this stuff". I will say that Shayla is quite engaging and is at that age where she's a definite handfull: she's constantly inquisitive, energetic, and opinionated.....and Not Shy. Not for more than 4-5 minutes anyway upon initially meeting, if that. "Yes, her mom and I will have some discussions with her about these things", I told Mrs. Rachel in response.
It's interesting to see these very human behaviors mirrored (for yourself?) in your kids. So, you reitterate for your child (and also for yourself...because it can never hurt anyone to hear) the moral ABCs of the basic code of human interaction. Of course the whole kit and kaboodle isn't resolved in one conversation. Oh no, in fact it could be that this is a mere begining of a personality 'trait'. Only time will tell if that is the case. For now, it is just a little 3 year old girl learning how to interact with the world around her. A little girl who's learning how to get her needs met AND learn how to do it with Happiness tagging along-side the whole way. It can happen. You can still be honest and forthright and have friends: tact and kindness must be learned. Without those it can, indeed be a lonely road.
As for her, I really think it is a process of socialization , and no, I do not count these things as clues to the need for siblings. :-) (Might as well head the Grandmas off at the pass. Hehe. ;-) ) There is a part of me that believes that we might be seeing the shining edges of her vibrant Personality peeking through a bit. Hmmm. Maybe so. ....CEO of a major corporation? Singer/Songwriter Rock Star? ...Well known butthead? We'll see, but whether or not it's just a 3 yr. old's rough hewn, still forming social skills or the harbinging fringe of a solid, deep personality trait will not matter in the slightest for there is that Love of Her that is in the Blood. At least, that's what I tell myself at this stage of the game. There's nothing wrong with gaining a little momentum to stow away for the teenage years, right...(laughing)? I love my daughter and will happily go to bat for her anyday. In fact, I've already bought a few, to speak of 'stowing away for the teenage years'. Hehe (just kidding on that last part-- couldn't help myself. Had to go there. ;-) ).