A Personality that Lives Up to The Family Name

The joy and pleasure I get from watching my 35 mo. old daughter develop and change into a little person with a full repetoir of personality traits, opinions and ideas is hard to describe. It's a kind of joy that one doesn't usually experience in connection with stubbornness or strong willful desire, but I smile as I know that these are signposts of developing personality and self concept. These are probably things that only a dad or a mom would really internally applaude.
Daily, of course, I hold the unexpireable option to be frustrated by these same things, and I take myself up on it, sometimes hourly. For now, I smile internally even if on occasion I frown on the outside. :) ...Row, row, row yer boat gently down the stream....Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream......