A Tribute to Joan Simmons, aka 'Gramma Joan'

Joan, what would we do without you?!? Hit the ground I suppose when we fall. .....You seem to be forever there with Grandma's safety net, ready and desiring to help. I sincerely hope you know what this means to me!!
I feel like I say "Thank You So Much" So Often that I feel kind of guilty, although that's not really the right word, for all the Help you so Selflessly Give!! At the end of the day, all I can really say is "Thank You" over and over and over again! I am so grateful for you!!!
This Grandma makes the world go 'round for her grandaughter Shayla and for her parents, Christina and I!! What did we do to deserve you?? My guess would be that it doesn't have Anything to Do with 'Deserving' and Everything to do with GRACE.
For lack of knowing what else to do, I can at least say "THANK YOU" Over and Over and Over Again.
Heaven holds a Special Place for Grandmas Like The One YOU ARE........
*THANK YOU*!!! :) :)


Wow, Thank you for such wonderful words. If I am half as good as you say, I owe it all to my wonderful parents Marguerite Deloris Overcash and Irvin Grant Overcash. I am just passing on what these two very special people taught me. They were always there when we needed them. All children deserve parents like they were, and thank God Shayla has two very wonderful parents. Bless you. Love, Mom/Grandma

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