An Example of An Everyday Dinner Conversation with Our 3 Year Old

Scene as follows:
Shayla has a bowl of rice and veggies for dinner. She is eating, but only the rice. (She's a carb freak. Apparently many toddlers are. Go figure. You've got to have a good amount of calories to raise the kind of Holy Hell that they do, right?)
Shayla says, "I'm done. Can I have some cereal now?"
Mom looks in her bowl and says," Nooo,...I don't think so. You haven't eaten your vegetables."
Shayla says, "Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you eat them, and that way I can have some cereal?" The funny part was that she said this very excitedly as if she'd come up with a very genuine and authentic solution. :-)
Good Try! Don't think so.