And Then There Are Train Wrecks

Despite our best intentions with our little Miracles of God's Creation (our kids), sometimes things do not go according to plan...or at least not to 'our plan'. Just after lauding the praises of fatherhood last night, I guess it was apropos that Shayla's little play-date scheduled today was not set to be a smooth success. Oh well. It's bound to happen. After all, as the other little girl's mother exclaimed to me afterwards, "They ARE girls, you know. Frankly, I'm surprised that they hadn't had a sour experience before now. This Is our fourth play-date already; I guess we were due for an event of some kind."

Today, one of the girls was moody and sensitive while the other was cold, a little removed and bossy. Wow, I thought, there's some serious relationship material in here--for the big people! The one who was excessively sensitive was also crying a fair amount of the time. We tried to moderate a little, but also give them the space to work it out. We thought that it might pass as the time went on, which most of the time seems to happen with kids, but today the mood seemed to stick . So we gave them about half an hour of the two hour allotment to sort it out, after which we stepped in and cut it short. Ce La Vie. We'll get them together again later in the week. It was sad, but funny too and so true to life. I think it's good to see the wisp of humor in the mundane. For me, it keeps me going, and it might even keep me a little sane-er than I'd otherwise be.

Most days are sunny, but ocassionally there are rain storms, and that's alright......just like it is. Girls will be girls and boys will be boys. As parents, our job is just to love 'em and roll with it.