'Atash' at The Whip-In

A recent encounter with an old aquaintance Muhammed Faroozi of 'Atash' told us of this show at This particular Whip-In. A cool little place. It's a kind of café, a kind of parlour, a kind of grocerette: serving a little E. Indian food. We took Shayla thinking she would enjoy it and....she did!


The violinist in the pictures above actually let Shayla play his violin With his bow! Yes, he really did. I was actually pretty surprised by that! She had picked out the violin. "I want to play the violin", she said. They had been singing To Her near the end of their set---childlike songs and such--and the violinist overheard her and decided to oblige. It was cool and she was very respectful of the man and his instrument.
...they also asked her if she wanted to sing up on the dais with them, but that was a little too much for her. Shyness had set in. :-)
Isn't it amazing how children are bold as brass one moment and hiding behind Mom or Dad the next? My Em typically was fine until someone actually spoke directly to her, then she too suddenly went shy.

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