Bowling For Birthday #6

Well, we enjoyed having Shayla's 6th Birthday at a local youth enterrainment center that featured bowling amongst other sports. Perhaps it was a little forward thinking of us to assume that 5 and 6 year olds would really be able to concentrate and complete a game of bowling. We have to admit that it was fun trying though. I think everyone had a good time. We know that Shayla did. Here are a few photos from the event.

Keeping everyone together and contained, as it were, was a rather arduous affair. Thankfully we had the assistance of a few parents. The facility personnel did not actually 'host' the event, but simply served the food and refreshments. We did not know this going into it, but we made due. We slept well last night, to put it mildly.
Here are a few more photos from the bowling part of the event:

Thank you to all of Shayla's friends, family and classmates that came and celebrated her birthday with her. Thank you to all of the parents that stepped in and helped us manage during the 'bowling' phase of the party: slippery lanes, heavy balls, and 'free range' kids who thought the lanes were a kind of newfangled dry 'slip and slide' more than anything else.
It was fun. Thanks for coming.