Bribery, Oh Bribery, How I Love You So!

I used to think that bribery was a parental cop-out when I was in my early twenties or before when I used to see mothers using bribery on their kids in the grocery store. You know the kind of think I'm speaking of. It's the whole "if you behave yourself while we're in here we can pick up that movie afterwards that you've been wanting to see", or for younger kids it goes something like, "Hey, do you want some ice cream? I know you do, so do as I ask okay?".
I distinctly remember my mom bribing my younger brother to clean his room with the promise of ice cream. I told her how unnecessary that I thought that was. "He should just clean it up because you're his mom and you're asking him to", I said to her in my matter-of-fact teenage logic. If only the world were that simple, right? If only that the questioning of authority, parental or otherwise wasn't a biological pastime, that might be true. However, things being what they are I now see the practical wisdom in the 'shortcut' that bribery is. Of course it's a shortcut! Of course my 3 yr. old daughter should do what I ask Because I'm her Father and I am asking her to do it. Next thing I know she'll be asking for somekind of Notarized statement of Command from someone,...Who I don't know, Grandma, Nana? It wouldn't surprise me.
Today I found myself whipping out a little can of bribery, although it was true, "The sooner you go for your nap and Actually go to Sleep, the sooner you will get up and the sooner we will go to visit Shay and Quillan (her cousins whom she loves)!". It was true and it was natural!!
Aaahh... I must be coming along as a dad. :)