"Daddy, some Frigging Ants are in My Cherries!"

Just as I had suspected my daughter incorporated the slang term 'frigging' into her vernacular lexicon after only hearing it a couple of times yesterday. She's even putting it in the right place, although she doesn't know what it means. Just a few moments ago she exclaimed, "Daddy, there's some frigging ants in my bowl of cherries! Get out, get out!!" she yelled at them. I calmly replied, "Those aren't the 'frigging ants'. Those are the regular ones." We'll see if she's going to buy that. A few more days will tell the story. Without any direct instruction, simply by example, which IS instruction also, she knows where the word goes and has the 'right' timbre while saying it.
At least it's not any of the other more offending words, right!?
The opportunities for parental laughs never cease, and at least this laughter isn't painful. Sometimes it can be.