Early Christmas Presents....

I remember some early Christmas presents as a kid, and boy were those some cool times!! It's a pleasure to be able to surprise our little 'almost 4' year old daughter with an early Christmas present this year!! Although the two big boxes that comprise this gift have been leaning against our living room wall for some time, our little girl hasn't given their presence that much thought. This will be the last year for that I know!! :) Next year she will be on the look out for such abnormalities of environment. Initially, when they arrived she asked what they were and I told her that they were boxes containing "something for somebody". That was the one and only time I'll be able to use that 'card'! :)

Thanks to all the Grandmas and Grandpas that put their hard earned dollars together to put a Big Smile on this little Lovely's face!! Her mother and I are hoping that if she has this to jump on and expend energy with, that she will be less inclined to bounce around off the walls in the house. We'll see!....

Oh, and her fan club need not be concerned. We shall take many pictures and a few little videos to share her experience with her friends and family!

(We're also going to have a little talk about the fact that 'Early Christmas Presents' are an anomaly of nature and shan't be expected year after year.)

Bounce On!!!.......

p.s. We've included a picture of said trampoline. The kid shown in the picture is not ours, by the way, in case there were any questions. :)