Early Morning Sneaking

In recent months, our four year old daughter Shayla has really, quite successfully, retooled her entire early morning stealth exploration. She wakes before her mother and I, and then we wake upon hearing her, or she wakes us up outright. Most of the time she lays back down with us and sleeps for another hour or two. Well, she did until recently...

Now, as the 'wisdom' in her little head grows, she realizes that this is potentially 'her' time to do and eat what she wants if she is quiet enough. I think she finally now gets that sound really does travel, and is starting to take full advantage of that knowledge.

Upon hearing her this morning, as slight as it was, I identified the sound of a dining room chair sliding ever so gently and slowly across the tile: scaffold construction was underway. A scaffold that would no doubt help her achieve a height that was tall enough for her to reach on top of the dining room 'hutch' where we stow all the 'goodies' that are only seldom given to her as treats on special occasions. I walked out into the living room to find her actively devouring a bag of yucca chips and a bulk container containing a 1/4 pound or so of Jordan Almonds. She looks up at me and says, running to me with the Jordan almonds so as to appear 'pro-active' about it "Daddy, I got these down for you. I thought that you might want some". Nice try.
"Yeah, right. No thanks. I don't want any Jordan Almonds and you know that those are not your's for the taking. We've told you about scaffold building before Shayla, and that you could slip and really hurt yourself by climbing on things like that." At this point I sound like a broken record because I cannot count the number of times that her mother and I have told her this.
"Are you going to hide all that stuff again", she asks?
"How'd you guess?(sarcastically) You know that I am", I reply.

My little four year old daughter is now smart enough to know that it's sometimes beneficial to lie on the spot to save your own butt. Yes, I guess I suppose that's progress. It was bound to happen and well,....here we are. Yay?