Early Mornings, Gestapo Style

Something happens as you move from your 20s into your 30s and on in to your 40s.... One becomes, at least We have--Shayla's mom and I--more sensitive to high pitched, loud noises in the morning. We like to awaken gently, if possible. We like to slowly ease into the new day as it advances itself. We set the stage for this by giving ourselves a little buffer time on the old alarm clock. This method works as long as we're up before our 3 year old daughter which, on a Saturday or Sunday morning we're hard pressed to accomplish. She knows nothing about 'sleeping in'. Furthermore, she would consider that a prison sentence.
As a stay at home dad, this has really been a learning point for me. Little kids Don't sleep in! That's the 'anti-christ' in their little minds. It is a boon for their parents and an enemy to them and their own little over active selves. It's a very interesting juxtaposition of realities.
To announce at a 3 year old's Full volume and pitch in a never ending loop who's lag time between cycles is about 15 seconds, "OK. I'm Ready to Get Up!! It's Moooorrrrnnniiiiiiiiinnnggg!!!" at between 7- 8am on a Saturday or Sunday--two of the Only days of the week when Momma or Daddy has the opportunity to really 'sleep in'--is kind of hard to describe, but I'll try. The pitch is like that of a piccolo and the volume? Well, the volume is not that of an "inside voice" and certainly not that of an inside voice in the early morning (to us) on a Saturday in a silent little house of a South Austin neighborhood. It's more like that of a tacos 'ál pastór' street vendor in the Coyoacán Art District of Mexico City on a Friday Night! It makes me climb the walls! I can't get my coffee fast enough!! "I'm Trying to get Up To Speed, I'm saying to myself!! Honey, I'm trying, I'm trying,...but you gotta cut me some slack here,..Please", is ringing in my head as I quickly, unintentionally mantratize the whole thing! I realize I'm now doing my own Counteractive Sanity Loop in concert with her Insanity Creating Loop. "Do what you gotta do", I say to myself in my best Italian Gangster for my own comic relief. God knows I need it. I then step back, lean on the kitchen counter and drink my coffee, letting her run through several more cycles of her 'Get the hell Up, Dad'!! lingo. I have another quick half cup...because I know that once I open that door it's full on engagement 'adrenaline child' style 'till the sun sets or nap time, which ever comes first. Really? Really.
.... I then gently open her door and walk into her room with a big smile on my face as I can do nothing other due to the total comedy and complete irony of the situation and say, "Hi Honey, how is my sweet girl doing this morning?"


:) I'm sure you are tired of us old folks telling you how quickly this time will pass, as I also remember those tired mornings, getting going, when you sure didn't want to. I still get to "enjoy" some of those time when I get to stay with Shayla. Wonderful writing. With Maddy graduating and turning 18 this week, it reminds me just how fast the years go.
Love, Mom/Grandma

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