Front Butt, Back Butt....huh?

We are going to have to give our 3 year old Shayla a Toddler's anatomy lesson. I guess it is the time for more words and a little more info for her to take in and digest. Just this evening she was holding herself and I saw it and asked, "Do you have to go pee-pee?". "No. I was just scratching my 'front butt'. I don't have to pee-pee.", she said. "Okay. Well you know that's not your butt, right?", I asked. "Yes, it is. This is my 'front butt' ", she said pointing to her front, "and this is my 'back butt' ", she affirmed as she touched her behind.
"Ahh, I see. Well, that's not totally correct you know?...... *There's a little pause of silence as I search for the term that would be appropriate in mixed company because I know that it'll come out whenever she feels the need to explain what she's got her hand on and what she's up to with that. :-)*..... For now, let's just call the front your 'privates', okay? We'll call your 'butt' the actual part of your body that IS your butt, and the front we'll call your 'privates', okay?", I asked having buttoned it all up tight,...for now. "Okay", she said.
That's it for now. We're good for anatomy education for another 4 or 5 weeks, I think. Beyond that, we will probably need an update. Things are moving fast these days. :)
Parenting has so many comical moments it's almost impossible to log them all, but it sure is fun trying.