Fun with a 3 year old in a Social Setting

Taking Shayla out is fun and although we're actually able to sit down more than we used to, it's still a follow-the-leader kind of thing.
This morning we are at Sweetish Hill Bakery and there are a lot of animals. People walk their dogs in the morning as well as get coffee in the morning. Hey, a bakery is a win/win when it comes to taking your animals out, getting your caffeine fix, and having a little social neighborly interaction! What better place to take a 3 yr. old so that she can run at all the birds that are awaiting their daily handout, and successfully con 1/4 of all the dog owners to take their dogs for a walk around the premesis, all the while we play the social intermediary between all parties involved. ...I came here to relax? Really? I guess day to day amnesia is a parental right.? Maybe that will work out to be a plus later on. :) I think a little amnesia is necessary just in order to stay sane, ie. parental amnesia in all the right places.