Funny Moments For The Daddy of A Three Year Old Girl

Shayla is just now starting to put together the the pieces of her observation that boys and girls go to the bathroom differently. Like with mommy, she also wants to accompany daddy to the bathroom as well. Many times, in fact most of the time I discourage her from coming into the bathroom while I'm going to the john. But she sometimes suceedes in coming in any way. Of course, I am very gaurded about my bathroom routine, shielding, positioning and all the rest. One thing she knows; daddy pees standing up. She sees the back of my clothed figure, and tries to get around me while I ferociously block all attempts. Of course the day will come when I simply do not allow her into the bathroom at all when I am relieving myself. That day is nigh at hand. She commented to me the other day, "Wow. How do you do that without getting any pee pee on your pants"? I simply replied, "well, I've had a lot of practice".
Now she wants to pee standing up, really bad. It's become her fascination. That is her new thing although she really can't figure out how that's possible With her clothes on and standing in front of the toilet. I told her not to be concerned about trying to do that. I said, "It's really pretty difficult, so let's not worry about that for now, ok"? I know she's still contemplating it though and hasn't really let it go.
Last weekend we were out in nature and it was her first potty in Nature without a toilet, so she thought that this would be as good a time as any to practice her standing-to-pee skills. Of course it just ran all down, but that was fine with her as she'd just removed all her clothes in order to really get the hang of it. Later she decided that she wanted to try #2 in this same fashion (in Nature, like I said above), and it happened so quickly that we couldn't change the course, only stand back laughing to ourselves. Thank goodness for 'wet ones'. Watching this was pretty funny. What's even more comical is that I think that she really wants to figure this out. More power to ya, young lady. :-)
Earlier this week I was out with her somewhere and I wound up having to take her into the mens' bathroom so that daddy could go pee. There was no one else in the bathroom and if there had been we would've gone into a stall or used the women's bathroom instead--these are sensitive situations--kind of obvious, right? Well, anyway it was the kind of mens' bathroom where there is a row of urinals along the wall. I made her stand behind me as I quickly relieved myself. She was very good and stood totally still in this foreign environment. We then got out quickly before anyone else came in. She didn't say anything then, but I'm waiting for the inevitable slew of questions: "What kind of potties are those along the wall"? "Does everyone stand there like that"? "Does anybody sit down on them"? "Why doesn't mommy ever stand up to pee"?
Interesting times with the young scientist. The most popular current question is "Why?". Trailing in second is "Why?", and a close third is "but Why?".
Grins and giggles.