Gleanings From The Youngling

We have been enjoying our developing baby girl of four. She just turned four years old on the 25th of last month. We look at her and we think, "Wow. If we think that she's developing at light speed, what must others think?"

It's true. She's no longer a baby, and hasn't been for some time now, but it's interesting as to exactly how that escapes you, the parents, as it's happening! You just look up periodically to realize that your child's development has jettisoned itself forward while your head was turned,....or so it seems.

I am enjoying the more in-depth conversations that I am able to have with her at this age. That may sound funny to those of you with no kids. Be that as it may, the more time that you spend around these youngsters the more three dimensional they become to you. They step out of the kid 'box' and more into the person 'space' of who they are. It's quite magical. It has to be seen to be known. It has to be felt to be real.

It's amazing to have a little person walking around the house that tells you verbally and with regularity, and 'out of the blue'--literally not attached to anything--how much they love you!!! This is one of the most amazing things about our little girl! She does this all the time. It's so beautiful and so touching, and she does it with such purity and honesty that it just melts you from the inside out. What a blessing that is. Sometimes, it's even as though she knew that you needed to hear it right then. Incredible! It's so powerful.

It makes me think of us adults and what transformational power that we would wield with feelings and verbalizations of that kind if we were to implement them more often with our friends and family. It's possible that they just live in our heads, or that we assume that others know them and so why tell someone "something they already know"? Because it does our relationships good to hear it when it's genuine and heart felt. I know I never tire of hearing it. What about you?

Leave it to a four year old to point out through example the beautiful power of love untarnished.