Good Kid: Good Parenting or Just Decent DNA?

I'm not sure what the actual reason for turning out a good or rotten 'apple' might be, but winging it with no scientific data under the ol' belt buckle as it were I would have to wager that it's a combination. We have far too many examples of families that contain both within their history books to say with any certainty that it is really one or the other.
     A friend of mine said tonight that I must be a good parent because my 2 1/2+ year old daughter is such a pleasant and well behaved (?) child. In all honesty that may not really be my doing. It's not that I see myself as a really bad parent. It's just that in my experience parenting unerringly shows me quite unabashedly where I can improve as a human being and as a role model, so help me God. I have not yet in my meager 42 years experienced ANYTHING as personally revelatory as Parenting another Human Being.
     All humans, like all things born, come in as children, but who knows what kind of being you have been chosen to be the parent of. Your child could be a Ghandi or a Mullah or a High Priest of some Esoteric Order or a future Grass Roots Politician who will change the Face of the Earth or who will develop the next Superior Technology or Energy Source? Who knows? Perhaps this Being has come to Parent You


You are a very good parent, and I love you so much for being the Daddy you are to my granddaughter. Love, Mom/Grandma

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