A Tribute To Grandmas and Grandpas!

Thanks be to the grandmothers of the world that gives us parents a reprieve to be autonomous adults again if even only for an evening or afternoon or weekend. Or month. No,just kidding. Haha :) . Seriously grandmothers are the Bedrock,as well as grandfathers,of The Family. I would be,as a person as well as a parent,in a world of a different place without them. God Bless the Grandparents! It's not just about helping with the 'raising' of the grandkids,but also about where I as an adult have come from. It's a time reference 'in living color' to have 3 generations together living,loving,and growing through thick and thin. This must be part of what it means to be alive. It's Beautiful and I think that there is no substitute for this kind of Life--The Good Life....Family Life :).
 God Bless Granparents for the Invaluable Support and Asistance they provide in So Many ways: philosophical,emotional,intellectual,and not the least of which for me,financial,at times. They knit the Family together just as kids are always said to do,which is,of course true as well.
  Family is part of The Sacred Hoop of Life just as All Things Are,but Family Holds a Place of Specialness because Everything Else involving humans comes from this Sacred Circle--This Basic Structure of Human Life...and It/We could not Survive without GRANDMAS and GRANDPAS.
 Thanks Be for the Grandmas and Grandpas of The World!
Love...it uses fewer muscles and has a better Return.