Growing Through Giving...

I have always felt and experienced for myself that personal growth is commensurate to the challenge that one faces at that particular time: that the depth of benefit from properly meeting a challenge is equal to the difficulty of the challenge itself. I pray that this is true because when one realizes how impatient and self-centered one has allowed oneself to become and what is required in 'stepping up to the plate' of your life the fear can be staggering,daunting,intimidating. Now.....I am a Happy,Thrilled,and...New to the Fatherhood business kind of guy....I am very glad that I am a Father now,..and not before now because even at 41 I feel like I have the beliefs and self perspectives of a teenager(No offense intended anyone). Perhaps I have in ways that heretofore have not been tested. In fact...I am Sure that is the case. To those of you planning on having children: start your 'patience  mantra' Now!
Love is The Way
Patience is The Way
Kindness is The Way
..and Forgiveness is THE WAY..
    Patience is a Daily Practice for me... I have never felt like I was so close to the edge of sanity that I thought that I might possibly fall off, but now I can say that I have had moments like that. ...Stay Tuned...
 Fatherhood is a Beautiful Blessing for Me and I would not change it for the world,but will denude you through and through. I have just begun(she's almost 2:-- I know those of you with older kids are laughing. Good. You should be! haha.) and my child is very sweet AND reminds me of Myself at every turn.(I'm always sweet,aren't I ? :)) She is my shadow at this point.( Her mother was just commenting on that tonight.) Absorbing our every move,gesture,word,and nuance. Scary,huh? IT IS,for Sure. A little Two legged computer...Learning,Storing,Processing computer following you around with their eyes always on you. They echo what you say and they know where your buttons are. I can't think of a better Learning situation...can you :)  IT'S LOVE  INSIDE AND OUT,UP,DOWN,AND SIDEWAYS!
 ...I will however be glad when we will not need a forklift to bring diapers to the front door.


As difficult as it is to raise a child under your roof, there are also real challenges once they are of an age where they leave and get their own place.

Being a daddy is great.

Ahhh... like : "Hey..Dad .Ummm..(extended pause)"
dad says,"...yes honey"?
Honey(daughter) says,"....could We take out a temporary loan" (from Bank of Daddy)?
(You mean like that?)
No, I mean I got in the habit of always having my kids here with me. I miss not being able to see them all the time and know exactly how they're doing.
Gottcha...Hope you'll pardon my humor...
I Love You...and can tell that there's a sense of loss that parents have to expect to incorporate. I just hope that I'll be a good parent and that God will keep dosing out the strength and wisdom that I need when I need it. I am thankful and honored by your friendship and fellowship...and aim never to take you for granted. God Bless You.
Thank you, Sean. You're doing great.

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