"Here, Daddy! These Flowers Are For You!"

Shayla, my 3 yr. old daughter is so sweet in giving me these spring flowers from our backyard. 'Rain Lillies', I think they are called. They came up just within the past few days.
It's funny. She doesn't quite yet get that you can't pick any and all flowers that you want because they're "So Pretty", as she says. When we take walks around the neighborhood I have to stop her from picking freshly planted Spring flowers. We've had the discussion many times about how when we denude baby plants of their flowers that it 'hurts' them and that sometimes they 'die' because of it. We have talked about how the flowers are for enjoying with our eyes only, but I know we are hard pressed to make that stick when she sees me giving flowers to her and mommy at different times throughout the year. What a complex world we live within. ;-)
When we visit our little outdoor restaurants and cafés here in town, Mommy and I have our work cut out for us as we try to keep their newly planted Spring flowerbeds from being ravaged by our sweet child. This provides a little exercise for us as we follow around our flower-fascinated little girl. Yep, you got the picture.
She now knows not to pick them in the first place, but she still can't help herself and still doesn't understand the fact that shoving them back into the bush you picked them from doesn't quite take care of the problem. It is a little funny, but in the name of keeping the plants alive, not ruining the pricey landscaping, and remaining friends with the business owners we do a delicate little dance, indeed. :-) A humorous little dance, to say the least.