I Tried to Dupe Shayla with a Sorbet Instead of Ice Cream at Amy's

Shayla and I went for a short bike ride this evening, and wound up at an Amy's Ice Cream location because it was close to the house. She's had a little mucus congestion that had started yesterday, so I knew ice cream would not be the best thing for that. My solution was to get her a tiny sorbet and an ice cream for me. Since she's only 3 I thought I could pull that off. Nope didn't work. Although she didn't know exactly what I was ordering, I thought if I stayed quiet about which was what that she'd think it was All Ice Cream. Negative.
I had bought a raspberry sorbet for her and a white chocolate macadamia ice cream for me. The one was bright red (attractive, right?), and the other a plain white--the ice cream. The first thing out of her mouth after pulling her freshly dipped sorbeted finger out of her mouth and giving a look to my side of the table was,
"I want the white one".
"Of course you do", I relented. The rest of the visit was a mutual devouring of both; it was fun.
It's true that as a parent you can only control so much. :-)