I Used to Be The Kind of Guy.....

That you would have to put out social feelers to find. You could count on me being at lodge on Saturday, but otherwise you would have to hunt me down in order to have a conversation. A cell phone was the kind of thing that I thought was unnecessary (I had a land line, but I was never really there to get 'a hold' of): a tethering device that I thought it was pointless to have unless there was a darn good reason. Who would want to be tethered? The very thought gave me the heebee geebees. :) I thought that having a bank account was giving yourself over to 'big brother' and using the conjoined check card with it's series of 16 digits was certainly the mark of somekind of beast. I liked flying under the 'radar'. I thought that it was pretty cool to be next to invisible. Not for any particular reason, but more for the abstination of involvement in the mainstream machine. Times have changed......
I (now a 'We') had a baby girl and everything within and without has shifted for me. Now, I am the one that is prominent and 'in touch' and others are trying to dodge the communicae--to stay hidden. Not really, but kind of. I am the one now 'shouting from the rooftops' about my child and who, if I haven't heard from you in the past few days and you are a prominent close-to-my-daughter grandperson I will check in on your state of affairs.
I used to be hidden in the woodwork and now I tweet and post about anything from the kind of coffee I am drinking to whether or not my daughter has successfully learned to wipe her own bottom (It's a 'No' on that one, by the way) yet. The flourishing colors and prominence of social media combined with being a new father and the excitement that comes with that has made me what I am today. I sincerely hope you enjoy my offerings. I certainly enjoy submitting them to the digital aethers. :)


I love reading your posts and seeing your pictures. Keep it coming. Merry Christmas to you all.
Great to have you here, Sean. Merry Christmas to you, Christina and Shayla!

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