Intelligence Exemplified

Shayla, our 5 year old wonder, has graduated to the ability of phonically deciphering her mom and I's secret, open air language of 'audibly spelling out' all our communications that we do not wish for her to make out. Surprisingly, at 5 years old, her talents are fast encroaching our 'scrambling abilities'. This is no surprise to us, yet a tad inconvenient, I must admit. It's a bit funny too, as I can totally recollect my memories of when I started doing this myself. I remember that the first phrase that I made sense of that was being spelled out in front of me was 'ice cream', and after that they were indelibly etched into my brain and 'ice cream' was no longer a safe phrase for the adults to use in the open, unless of course, they were planning on giving me some.

I am happy about Shayla's newfound ability, as it proves a good point of it's own incentive even in the mind of a 5 year old: knowing how to spell has irrefutable perks of it's own and in this case, mommy and daddy are confidently certain that they are even a little more excited than she that this light bulb has been flipped on by our own miniature Sherlock Holmes.


she is so intuitive, and I swear she reads minds as well as body language. Don't get much past this brilliant kid, says the so prejudiced Grandma :)

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