"It will make a Man out of You."

I was recently revisiting some of the applicable catch phrases that are attributed to fatherhood and found myself in high agreement with quite a few of them. The one that I keep coming back to over and over again as I see how much of a self-centered person I really am is "Fatherhood will Make a Man out of You". From my limited experience thus far I have to say that 'they' were right on if they were referring to 'being a man' as a person that is grounded in good decision making, has their priorities straight, and willingly surrenders or sacrifices their own 'wants' for the overall need and health of (an)other's--their child and family.

This may sound rather simple and obvious, however living that constantly is a Path to be reckoned with. Most of us can do this sometimes and for a certain duration, but 'all the time and continuously' is a practice that, well....will change a male's life....perhaps, just perhaps....into a man's.