It's Delicate Business trying to Help a 2-3 yr. Old

It's touch and go when you try to lend a hand to your little one Who Wants to do Everything themselves. Add to that the fact that they want to Help You do everything that you Do. So it's a 'Hands-on- Doubletime' kind of operation, And there are very definite Rules of Protocol as far as The Child is concerned, in particular.
     The parental rules are, of course concerned with the child's safety and the child's rules are governed by, "I try it? My do it!" As a parent you try very carefully not to step on their prescious and oh so delicate egos, yet time interferes with this MO at times, as well as their lack of understanding.
     I must say once again how awed I am at the whole activity of parenting and how it is such a mirror image, a double image pracitcally, for my own learning about myself and my process of growth. It is really all so rudimentary---the way we are made. We are so much the same it is a wonder that we fool ourselves so often by thinking we are different than one another. That's really so immature and foolhardy. Parenting is one of the things in Life that really seems to bear this out in stark, boldfaced obviousness. It's surprising that we still find a way to deny it. It's a good thing that denial doesn't change the truth or we probably wouldn't have too many of those. :)

 Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.


I am so proud Shayla has such a wonderful Daddy who notices what it is like to be a parent. You really should write a book. Love, Mom/Grandma

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