It's Official: My Toddler is Able to Handle the First Half Hour of Her Morning Routine On Her Own

This may sound rough, but I assure you it isn't. As toddler parents worldwide can attest, this is the arrival of that blessed day when you discover that your child knows how to get their own day started! In our case it's getting her own fruit out of the fruit bowl and start one of her programs on the DVR! She can even get her own yogurt and pre-prepared bottle of goat's milk out of the fridge! Yay!
All of this seems to begin with being able to go to the bathroom on their own. Once they master that and realize that everything continues on as normal and works just fine, nothing falling off or malfunctioning in any way even though neither dad or mom is in the bathroom with them, you have Officially begun to see a little evidence of an emerging self-sufficiency. At this point most toddler parents throw a bash and party with their friends for at least two days straight, but alas we are not Those people who are the 'partying' kind. Instead, I just get up on the roof and rave, "Yeeeeessssss, I am going to Liiiiiiiiiive!!!" to my surrounding neighbors. Hope has shown it's face in my neck of the woods, in my little family, and I reflexively grab on for dear life.