Kid? Yes. Ante up!

Having a child of your own is like anteing up your Life. No 'if's, 'and's or 'but's about it. It IS to take a straight look in the mirror and Clean Up your act. You thought that you knew what responsibility was, but that was only an idea, as you now Know. This is Real responsibility with Real consequences and Real benefits. This is the Real Deal. Real Life. This is what being a parent has shown me thus far.
     Play 'Adult' time is over. This is BE an Adult time. Sound intense? Well, that's because it is. You discover very quickly that as an adult you have to prioritize what you will allow yourself to spend energy on. Many things are not worth your investment of energy that at one time you were more than happy to spend away upon. Choosing your 'battles' is one thing that I think one surely learns whether we are talking about kids or your partner. Many expenditures of energy are simply not worth it.
     As a parent you become a good 'distiller'. Yes, distiller in the sense that you gain the ability to get to the kernel of a problem very quickly, out of necessity. Why? Because you don't have the time to flounder around--that's the kids job, which they know, by the way.
     Fact or Fiction? This is another component of parental sleuthing that you come to know quite well: deciphery. When is a 'yes' actually a yes, but more than that and also even more prominent an issue is the attempted parental 'hoodwinking'. It's kind of fun in the begining, but quickly looses it's novelty status, especially once the child realizes that they can pull it off successfully. Then what happened once on a clear day multiplies like some new virus. They're smart...and they're only going to get smarter! That's just the truth of it. I'm buckling down with extra high potency B vitamins and Ginkgo Biloba, green tea, the latest self help books, and good defensive 'one-liners'. I'm already working on an underground shelter for when the teenage years hit. For Me!! Shhhhhhhh! (whispering)Nobody knows.....

There is faith, hope and love, but the Greatest of these is Love.