Little Teachers with Big Lesson Plans

Our kids are our greatest teachers. There's nothing that brings this home than to have one of your own.....Before kids you thought that you were capable. You thought that you knew a fair amount. You thought that you were patient. You thought that you were kind, least most of the time. This is what you told yourself. Others confirmed this for you..usually--- other adults that is.
  Then along comes another being. One that doesn't know protocol or accepted means of behavior. A blank slate,...and they look at you to learn about this place and show them how to be. What they learn is what you are,not what you have Told yourself that you are. To watch them form is in many ways like looking in a mirror. What you do,they do;it is all they know. To change what you see them mirror is to change yourself. They are watching your every move and hearing every vocal inflection. They are always 'on duty' watching and learning from you,their teacher. Conversely you are always watching and learning about yourself. So,in a way the subject of study comes back to you. They are studying you and you without anywhere to hide are studying yourself as well,faced with what you are and forced to learn from it. Divine Invention. Divine Design. Flawless and Perfect. Even though it hurts you are Awed by it's Perfection. In this Humility is Beautiful,Unadulterated Brilliance. Thank You Spirit for Rescuing Me from My Self Absorption....Giving Me a Being to Care for and Love. Thank You.