My 3 Year Old Daughter Wants a Computer for Her Birthday!!

She knows that her birthday is right around the corner because her mom and I have been talking about how we want to arrange the celebration, ie. where to have it, and how to go about that, the sending of the invites, etcetera. It's pretty funny and so cute because every evening since then she's been asking us as we're tucking her in each night, "Is my birthday Tomorrow"?!!
We reply with soft, warm, velveteen words, "no honey,...not quite yet,..but Soon". She's such a sweet darling of a child. It's really an honor to be her dad. I remind her--'cause soon enough she'll get it (before I can say, "Well, I'll be....")--that her birthday is on the 25th of February, still a couple of weeks away.
She replies, "Ooh,...yeah". It's sooo cute. Like she's saying, "Well,......of course it is".
Her mom asked her yesterday what she wanted for her birthday this year and without any hesitation whatsoever she said, "A Computer"! "Of Course...of course she does", I'm thinking, with not a whif of surprise. She plays a computer game called 'Zuma' on it just about everyday, and she's actually starting to get the hang of it. Yes, she also plays her Fisher Price games on it too, but of late she's exceedingly enamored of the game 'Zuma' with all it's action and sounds. Plus, and this is a big one for her, Mommy and Daddy play it a lot too and have taken to playing it a lot with her either through putting our hand on top of her's on the mouse or just sitting with her and coaching her on the strategy of the game. She taken with the computers as she sees all this stuff that we do on them and how we each have one. It's a natural progression...., "Where's mine"? She 's asked for an iPhone too....of course. "Yeah right, kid", I say as I give her a big smile. "Haha. You're fuuunny".
It starts so young, doesn't it? "Hey slow down, you're just 3! Savor it"! .....(3 going on 10) Ha!