My 3 Year Olds First Bold Foray into The Contents of Daddy's Room

My (almost) 3 year old daughter Shayla, on occassion, sleeps with me in my room on those mornings when she gets up before I am able to function. She goes back to sleep most of the time. This morning was an exception.
As far as three year olds go, I imagine that she is a very amenable and adaptable one. I'm not sure how right or wrong I am on this one, but I think she exists on the side of the spectrum that is of the very sweet and co-operative (most of the time) kind.
She had never done this before or as thoroughly, but today she got up the nerve (I guess that's how to put it.) to go through my things and investigate the contents of the things on the side of the room that were closest to where she was on the bed. In times before she has just picked up a thing or two and checked it out, but today she forraged ahead with the apparent energy of a true explorer. She opened things that were closed and rearranged the contents on my shelves on that side of my bed. Yes, I remained sleeping while the first 95% of this happened. I'm sure all in all it didn't take too long. I awoke to find her having emptied the contents of several items while also replacing some containers with other contents that she deemed more appropriate. It was a mess. How nice of her not to wake me up in the process. Thanks for not disturbing my beauty sleep Shayla. :) I sleep like a rock most of the time, differently though when she's in there too, but nonetheless, soundly. Luckily, there's nothing of any real danger to a 3 year old in my room.
The long and the short of it is just that she's forcing me to clean up a little bit in there. That can't be bad. She did break one thing, but it can be repaired. Sent off to be repaired, that is. Other than that, no harm done. We talked about it. I think she's getting the point that she needs to ask before touching other people's things whether it be mommy's or daddy's or anyone else's: Property rights. Our discussion was essentially about property rights. I think she got some of it. I hope so, anyway.