My Daughter is So Much Fun!

I am really so enthralled by my growing relationship with my little (2 1/2 yr. old) girl. We are actually starting to have substantial conversations with full memory recall of previous experiences---That's Really exciting! (I'm really beginning to see a redeeming quality to all those sleepless nights. Yes, I know they're not over . :) I'm not kidding myself, but... ) The interplay is deepening.
In the early days you really wonder whether or not this 'creature' will actually fully develop. I mean who's to say? Okay, so 'the hatching' went well. Hooray. :)! I'm giving 'Us' a single 'clap' for that and Christina the hormone filled, caffeine driven praise of a high school co-Ed cheerleader, but really.....we lack a little mileage down the trail for any kind of full fledged applause. As God is our witness, we are giving it our All.
At this time I am happily swamped by all of Shayla's rapid- fire developments as a person. The intimations of who she is are quickly rising to the fore of her personality. The flavor, taste, and feeling of fatherhood is quickly manifesting on my tongue, lips, and down deep in my bones and I must say that it is a Joy unlike any other that I have yet known in my Life. In a word, Glorious.
Fatherhood Opens the Heart to Discover for Itself that of which It Is Capable: It's True Nature and Undying Capability. I'm just now beginning to grow up as a Man. Fatherhood is doing that for me, thanks to a wonderous little Being and Spirit named Shayla Rose.
Thank You Shayla.

There is faith, hope and love, but the Greatest of these is Love.