My Dearest Shayla

Here's a few 'silly, playing around the house' photos. There are several of me holding her up in the air with one hand while taking the snapshot with the other. It's pretty obvious which ones those are. We get kind of silly around our place. (As you can tell from the time stamp on the photos, these aren't new, but they haven't been previously posted.):)


Shayla has really blue eyes!
Yes, she does :)
Interestingly my eyes began as hazel and then changed to a strong blue somewhere in my 20s. I was doing massive amounts of internal cleansing regimens and fasts during that time in an effort to heal my body from injury. The eye color change had something to do with this I believe. I know though that blue eyes are a recessive gene any way. Her mother has always had pretty blues since she was a babe. Can you tell I'm in a talkative mood? :)
That's a good thing. Good mood.

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