"My Pony Looks SO CUTE, doesn't she?"

At first, when my daughter said this and thrust her hairy little beast of a stuffed pet into my arms upside down, I thought nothing of it. Upon brushing up against this foreign and strange (to me) substance, I quickly realized that she had covered the 'hooves' with a thorough coat of something sticky and rather slimy. Eeeww (I think to myself). 

It then dawned upon me all at once what she had done. She had covered this stuffed animals hooves with the only make up product that she has that could have this kind of sensation upon contact: a clear and shiny.......(yep, that's it)........ lip gloss. Hmmmm.    I....see.....

"Yes, your pony is VERY pretty, I said. Why don't we go ahead and remove this stuff so that she doesn't get it all over you and your bed? You see, the thing is, everything that she touches will get lip gloss all over it and pretty soon she won't be wearing the lip gloss anymore and losing your lip gloss that way would be sad. It's much better to remove it on purpose...like we're going to do now, okay?  Here, let's wipe this off, I said as I grabbed a couple of dry soft cloths. Are there any other of your dolls or animals that you have made pretty with this make up ?", I asked kindly.

"Yes", she says.

"Which ones?"

"All the barbies."

Of Course you did. Silly me. 

You know, truth be told, I cleaned the lip gloss off of the little pony's hooves and then didn't look any further. I didn't want to know. Besides, I didn't want to leave mommy out of the experience entirely. That would be sad.