Not All Days Created Equal

There are days that I do not feel that I am equipped for fatherhood. There are days where my patience is remarkably thin. There are days where the non-stop repetitive question loop will drive me up the wall, as will the relentless chasing of the family cat around the house, ad nauseum in order to love-strangle her. Why does my kid have to behave like she's on some kind of biological 'speed' first thing in the morning? I know, it's a new thing called 'excitement' and everybody who's anybody who's 2+ is into it. Great. Can I get my coffee first before we begin this very personalized, high speed question and answer session of your design? Please.?
     Today, this morning, started out like one of those days, but then my 2 1/2 yr. old daughter noticed my vulnerable state---sitting, head tucked down, resting my brow and forehead in the outstretched palm of one hand, the other with the fingers pressing in on closed eyelids---and asked me if I was sad. Then she came over and told me that it was okay. She patted me as she told me this. That was sweet. For a brief moment, out stepped the 2 1/2 yr. old girl and in stepped 'wise sage woman' ("Did somebody's daddy need a little Divine intervention?")
     It worked. Thanks Shayla--to whatever part of you answered that need.

Age comes naturally. You have to work for Wisdom.