Old People Havin' Kids

I can't say that our Beatiful baby girl was a conscious decision on our part,no,I can't.The sex however, that it takes was very conscious! We were willing participants with our tongues hanging out playing the part of the lustful homosapiens that we are...and what a beautiful miracle came of that!! Just for the record,we did take steps to 'protect' ourselves,but as they say,'it only takes one strong swimmer to win the race and enter the cellular 'Holy of Holies'. So here we are with a beautiful,sweet,onery,strong,healthy 2yr. old baby girl.
 So.....looking at this...objectively...I think,'Could I have done this when I was 20? Produced it? Sure! Survived it?...That,I don't know'!! Actually I kind of doubt that I would have because there's too much longsuffering,patience,and Real maturity that are Required. I mean REQUIRED. No exceptions! So that's one mark in our favor for waiting---a Big one--to grow up a little before taking on the task of being responsible for and raising a little human being,that...will Not stay little for long!
 The other thought that occurs to me is: 'Will I grow old with my child?' I'm almost 42 and my baby girl is 2. We'll see. I hope so,but of that I have limited control,so I must flow with life as it comes. What other choice is there? I must add something else here. Little kids love activity! So my daughter does her best to keep me active,from following her around with a wet washcloth to bike rides on the back of my bike in her child's seat to being her human jungle gym and standing amusement park! It doesn't end I tell you! So she's doing her part to make SURE that daddy stays as active as she can make him be. Hallelujah to that!
I am glad I waited this long to be a parent and would change nothing about it for the world.

Love...it uses fewer muscles and has a better Return.