Our Three Year Old Daughter, a.k.a. 'The Sponge'

As our 3+ yr. old daughter Shayla grows and develops faster than algae on the side of a poorly kept swimming pool in 100 deg. heat there are those moments that are priceless and make you do a double take as you say "What is that again?", to your budding 3 year old child.
One such incident occurred for me yesterday at a moment when she was feeling overwhelmed and moved by her own sense of affection. We were really close face to face as I was loosening the staps of her seat belt and working on releasing her from her child's seat in the back of our sedan. First she said "Ooooh, you're so strong!", which she says quite often at that exact moment along with an ocassional few others. I take this in stride of course, as she doesn't yet known the full extent of the truth and who am I to pop her little bubble of her super human dad. I do enjoy it just a tad, if I'm totally honest. Who wouldn't? I mean, after all how many times do us daddies hear this from the rest of the female population in our lives? Not that we don't, but our 3 year old daughters dole it out like the eternal candy jar of a perpetual Christmas. Go on Honey...Dole Away!
After she extolled the virtues of my "strong muscles", she then tossled my hair and patted my head and said "You're Such a Sweet Donkey Boy". I said "What's that now", not sure that I had indeed heard her correctly? She then repeated it and ran towards the house to go in. 'Donkey Boy' I'm thinking? Where on Earth did she get that?...... "Ooh, I know where that has come from", I thought! That's one of Tigger's pet names for Eyore on 'Tigger and Pooh', the kids' show on Playhouse Disney. How funny, I'm thinking. These days, it's pretty standard that she surprises us with something totally new at least 3 times a week on average. It makes me glad that we so closely watch what we let her view. I suppose it could just have as easily been some slang off of 'Sponge Bob', which thankfully, has been kind of graciously struck off the 'fine to view' list by virtue of the majic of DVR, since she can totally eek-out on every episode of Kai Lan, Mr. Roger's, and Tigger and Pooh. Thankfully, Wow Wow Wubbzy has fallen out of fashion. :-) That show, if I kept having to watch OR listen to it was certainly going to bring the men with the white jackets to my house. I'll say no more on that, because that does it.
She's even becoming very hip when it comes to understanding the meaning of words through contextual usage. An example of this was last week when she had a spill on the tile floor due to running around the house in effortless wild abandon. She was recounting the story to her mother and I as we were putting on ice pack on her head, and we responded with "well,..that was some kind of adventure, wasn't it"? She retorted, "No, that was no adventure! An adventure is something else"! Her mother and I looked at each other with that simultaneous surprised turned proud look and we're like thinking "Well,...I'll be.." as I said, "Yes, you're absolutely right! An adventure, if we use the word properly, has a totally different connotation. Good One Kiddo"!
It such a wonder to see her learn and grow. I have to constantly remind myself that she's still just 3 years old. Wow!