Painting The Doll House Furniture

Our good friend Ariel gave Shayla this incredibly realistic looking dollhouse wherein everything is to scale and incredibly intricate. Shayla was about 2 1/2 when she gave it to us and so we knew we had to wait to bring it out to give it to her.

....I chose today. She's 4, approaching the 4 1/2 y.o. mark. Hopefully bringing it out now will work out okay--fingers crossed. What inspired me to do so was her incessant desire to play 'Barbies' and other role-playing kinds of games. Given too, that she's turning out to be a dress and lace kind of girl, so far, I thought it might be okay to bring out a delicate girly kind of toy. Hopefully it'll have been a good call and the thing will not get destroyed in short order. I think it'll be okay (fingers crossed).