Parenting Can Be Tough Stuff

The forgiveness of yourself for your shortcomings as a parent is really important, yet ironically hard to do. This is compounded by the fact that this is one of those things that you are intending to teach your
child through example, and yet they are regular witnesses to your humanity. It can easily appear as a contradiction to your beloved and then perhaps you try to explain. They may 'get' some of it, but yet again the best teacher is your example. You have come full circle once again: back to facing your humanity, apologizing for it, forgiving yourself, and teaching something different. It is a cycle that you traverse frequently in your quest to be the best parent and teach the best way to be.

It's a great job, but it's the hardest I've ever encountered. Let's just give the unvarnished truth a voice:

It's hard. Your accountability doubles overnight. All of a sudden there's yet another person that remembers all your mistakes, who happens to know them all, let's remember. The buck stops right where you are, squarely at your feet. You rise to the challenge each day, taking as many deep breaths as the moment may require. Yes, parenting is great, but it's also just as challenging as it is great. Just like life it has great moments of diversity: ups and downs, twists, and double backs, and yet...........

Here we are. I'm standing my ground, staked out. *smile*