Peace Takes 'The Cake' Over Justice

There's no more apt context (in my current reality) for the saying "You've Got to Pick Your Battles" than with a 3 yr. old. Our three year old. She's an incredibly interactive kiddo and, of course wants to be involved in Everything. We are happy about this. We would be genuinely concerned if she was naturally reclusive at this age. Who knows, that may come later on it's own as the survey says.
I can distinctly remember asking my mother why she let my younger brother 'push her around' as I saw it. At the time, I think I was 14 or 15 and my brother was 8 or 9. I remember her responding to the query by saying, "I don't have the energy, Sean". I used to think of it like he was 'getting away with it', whatever 'It' was at the time. I was thinking in terms of 'Justice' and 'Fairness'. "Mom, you have to Do Something about That", I'd assert!! I didn't consider it 'fair' to me, not because I wanted to do the same things, but because that wasn't 'justice' as justice goes. I guess I played older brother 'cop' sometimes, not entirely, but a little.
In hindsight, I don't know how my mom did it AND SURVIVED. The truth is that she did...Hallelujah! She is, and did, of course say the Loudest Hallelujah of the Three of us. Praises after the fact are nice, but the real Victory happened some years ago now. Thanks Mom!
I'm learning to 'pick my battles' similar to a canine that must realize that he just cannot have Every Bone There Is. He just doesn't have the energy for it, and truth be told I'm learning the same thing.
Peace is So Much More Important than Justice......and when you think about it, so much easier. Thanks Shayla for teaching me about striking a balance between Allowance, Peace, and Justice. :)