Pleasant Phases Of The Pre-K Variety

This is such a nice age that my little girl is in right now. She's just about to be 4 1/2 years old and she is just the most inquisitive, lovely child. Conversations have done nothing but become more complex and multi-dimensional. She is really starting to retain things that we 'teach' her. It seems to be taking fewer 'dry runs' through a process and 'sticking' sooner. This is so pleasant for me because I feel like I am talking less with a 'wall' and more with a person. :) How nice, huh? It makes me chuckle to think of how many times in a given day that I have been accustomed to repeating the same phrases over and over and over again.....and over... Ok, you get it now. Hehe.

I was just reflecting earlier today about how someone told me a few years ago, when Shayla would've been 2 1/2, that I was really going to like the 4-9 year old age set and how their developing mannerisms and self-awareness is just so precious and beautiful as it slowly blossoms out of the kernel from whence it begins like some kind of time lapse photography viewed through a 'fish eye' lens off of a remote world. They were right. It's an incredibly amazing series of phases, the machinery of which, gallops along in slow motion before your very eyes, one phase overlapping and feathering into the next one after the other, onward into your future together. Lovely......